Webpage of Cyril Falcon


Since July 2017, I have been a professeur agrégé in Mathematics, a position that I hold after I passed the most difficult competitive examination for civil service in public education in France. From September 2018 to August 2021, I was a teaching assistant at the Université Paris-Saclay.

The courses I have given are listed below.

2020-2021 courses

2019-2020 courses

2018-2019 courses


I am devoted to mathematical outreach at all educational levels, from elementary school pupils to graduate students. In any case, I always try to convey profound mathematical ideas, focusing on their geometrical aspects and elaborating from suitable pictural and meaningful examples.

The volunteered actions I have taken part in are listed below.

Explique-moi... seminar

I have co-founded in September 2019 and co-organised until December 2020, an outreach seminar at the mathematical undergraduate level called Explique-moi... (link in French). Its goal is to introduce students in Mathematics to various research fields and raise their awareness of job opportunities outside the academic world.

Recurring outreach workshop events

Informal talks